Monday, September 3, 2012

Bounce House Fun

For Grant's Birthday we bought a small bounce house and many friend have stopped by to bounce! It usually turns into a head slam and cry fest!

Sweet girl in the bounce house!
Evan Kelting bouncing too
Sup Dudes!

From Earlier...Grant's 2nd Birthday

Grant's Second Birthday, June 3rd! Came and Went with the rest of the summer! I had to post a few photos of this little button face. Ells was there of course to help and everyone had so much fun!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Here are some recent gems:

"mommy bubba cracks me down"
Me: u mean he cracks you up?
"yah- he cracks me up!"

"bubba- if you give me that microphone I will give you money from my piggy bank. If you don't I won't ."

She has a notebook and was taking my order- like a waitress.
"what would you like"
Me: a taco and chips
"ok what Is your number" ( have spent lots of time at Hallbrook this summer, whoops)

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Practicing her best pose!


Got to get it while we can!

Pre k here we come!

Park time

We love silly pics!